Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Teenagers should be Focus in Education than Make a Relationship (Courtship)

I will tell you a story. There is a smart girl in a school. Her name is Chika. She is in second grade at Senior High School 1 of Jakarta. She always gets good score and gets first rank in her class even the overall champion in her school. She always joins many Olympiads and she always win with the best score. She also known as good student in her school, many teachers like her and she has many friends. It is change when she meets with one boy in her school. Since she meets that boy, she seldom goes to school. She goes with that boy all day. Finally, they are courtship. Because of she too focuses with the relationship, she does not get a lot of knowledge. She does not get enough knowledge from her teachers in school to increase her education. Then, she gets bad score for her final test. She also gets advice from her teachers. After that, she decides to break up with her boyfriend. She wants to focus in her education first. She also realizes that education is the most important for her brighter future. Of course, she does it. She returns to gets good score in her next final test, the best score in her school.
I believe that courtship is not too important for our future, the most important is education. So, we have to focus in it. If we get good education, we will get a lot of knowledge and more experience. In this change I wish to discuss about the important of education for teenagers, the benefits of education for teenagers, and the last one is the impact for teenagers that more concern with courtship than education.
To begin with, I will tell you about the important of education for teenagers. However we all know that the better education you have the better future you will have, but many teenagers are not realize about that. Especially in this era, many teenagers that unemployed. This happens because they do not get enough education. Whereas, if we get good education of course we will get a lot of knowledge about anything. We will also get more experience in our life and it will be easier for us to looking for a job. If you are smart and have many experience many company will hire you, but if you are busy with your boyfriend or girlfriend you will not get all of it.
Next, I will tell you about the benefit of education for teenagers. Like I have said before, education is very important for us, especially for teenagers. For example, you get an education about HIV/AIDS. You have to know what HIV/AIDS is, what the signs of it are and what the cause is. Of course we will get benefit from it. It will increase our knowledge about HIV/AIDS. If someday we or another people is infected with HIV/AIDS we will not feel surprise anymore because we have known about it before, we know what things that cause HIV/AIDS are. Not just education about HIV/AIDS, but we can also get education about religion, social life, economic and so on. We will smarter and be educated if we have a good education.
The last one I will tell you about the impact for teenagers that too focus in her/his relationship with her boyfriend or his girlfriend than education. What will happen if we are too focus in our relationship than education? Of course it will prevent us to get good education. Because we will just focus with our boyfriend or girlfriend. It can be proved by many teenagers who drop out from school because they are too focusing with their relationship, they have no time to increase their knowledge. The impact, they will not get brighter future. They will just be unemployed. 
In summarize, courtship is not too important for our future, education is the most important. If we get good education many company will hire you because you are smart and have many experience, but if we are too focus with our relationship we will not get all of it.

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